Tips for Making Tough Decisions on Pivot with Jenny Blake

Episode 322 is live on the Pivot Podcast with Jenny Blake.

In this episode, “Tips for Making Tough Decisions,” you'll learn some of my favorite strategies for making tough decisions (along with some of my not-so-helpful-habits that occasionally involve late night research), along with my #1 strategy for deciding what to say yes and no to.

🌟 3 Key Takeaways

Grounding—Connect to your highest self. Who are you when you are at your best? When you are operating from love, versus fear? What would your highest self do?

Exploring—Try on the different options. Imagine yourself there. What does each option feel like? What do you see in each scenario? What is happening, and how do you feel?

Clean energy is clear and flowing, with a natural feeling of psychological safety. You aren't wasting time or energy thinking about whether something is off. You can simply show up and be in relationship with the other person.

You can tune in to the episode via these channels:


Intuitive Insights: The Power of Clean Energy in Decision-Making


The Inside Story Podcast – Sarah’s Journey & Insights