Happy winter, and happy solstice! I hope that you are staying warm and cozy and that you are finding a few quiet moments during these shorter winter days (if you’re in the northern hemisphere).

Here are the books I read in 2022. If you’re looking for something to read over the holiday break, hopefully you might find something that speaks to you.

All of these books are linked on this Amazon Wishlist, on this Bookshop List, and are likely available through Libby or your local library.

What was your favorite book of 2022?

Happy reading!

the giver of stars, the midnight library, one plus one, sorrow and bliss (pictured)

favorite fiction

The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes

Amazon | Bookshop

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

Amazon | Bookshop

One Plus One by JoJo Moyes

Amazon | Bookshop

Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason

Amazon | Bookshop

If you’re looking for a book to start with over the holiday break or in the year ahead, I would highly recommend The Giver of Stars, which was my #1 favorite book of 2022. It was followed closely by One Plus One and The Midnight Library.

essays and memoirs: these precious days, three women, buy yourself the f'ing lilies (pictured)


These Precious Days by Ann Patchett

Amazon | Bookshop

Buy Yourself the F*$& Lilies by Tara Schuster

Amazon | Bookshop

Three Women by Lisa Tadeo

Amazon | Bookshop

If you’re looking for something light, I’d recommend starting with Buy Yourself the F*ing Lilies. If you’re looking for something that you can pick up and turn to any essay, I’d recommend These Precious Days. And, if you’re looking for something that is interesting, incredibly well-researched (Taddeo moved to the cities of the women she wrote about while she was working on the book), and thought-provoking bordering on disturbing, I’d recommend Three Women.

books of 2022: fiction - platonic, boundary boss, unreasonable hospitality


Platonic by Marisa G Franco

Amazon | Bookshop

Boundary Boss by Terri Cole
Amazon | Bookshop

Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara

Amazon | Bookshop

Each of these books was excellent, depending on what you’re in the mood for and what topic you’re most interested in.

easy beach reads: book lovers, people we meet on vacation, emily henry, jennifer weiner big summer, la gringa


Book Lovers by Emily Henry

Amazon | Bookshop

The People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

Amazon | Bookshop

Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner

Amazon | Bookshop

La Gringa by Sidonia Sworm

Amazon | Bookshop - not available

Each of these is a quick, easy read. Big Summer is filled with several unexpected plot twists, and if you’re trying to decide which Emily Henry book to start with, I would recommend Book Lovers.

nonfiction: how to break up with your phone, lazy genius, captivate (pictured)


How to Break Up with your Phone by Catherine Price

Amazon | Bookshop

The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi

Amazon | Bookshop

Captivate by Vanessa Van Edwards

Amazon | Bookshop

Each of these offers a handful of practical, tactical tips that you can immediately apply. I would recommend starting with The Lazy Genius Way as we go into the new year.

shoulder season by christina clancy


Shoulder Season by Christina Clancy

Amazon | Bookshop

Did anyone else read this? And, if so, what did you think about the main character? I found myself waiting for her to learn some sort of lesson or have some sort of transformation, but this moment never came.

Was this an intentional part of the plot line? Or are we to assume that perhaps this lesson and transformation did come, but in a way that wasn’t outwardly reflected in the book? Or did you feel that she did indeed learn lessons and experience personal transformation?

What did you think, if you also read it?

Would love your thoughts.

expansive impact and free time - pictured


Expansive Impact: An Invitation to Lead in Everyday Moments by Sarah Young

Amazon | Bookshop

Free Time: Lose the Busywork, Love your Business by Jenny Blake

Amazon | Bookshop

As you know if you’ve been following along for awhile, these two books were birthed into the world in Spring of 2022. . . Expansive Impact by me, and Free Time by my dear friend Jenny.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported these books as they make their way into the world, by purchasing a copy, leaving a review, or sharing with a friend or coworker.


Hi! I’m Sarah, and I’m the founder of Zing Collaborative - a boutique leadership and people development company, focused on working with heart-centered, highly driven humans and teams through leadership and human development; highly curated experiences; and leadership and executive coaching.

